Terms of Use


Access to this website is conditional upon your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By using this website you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety and without modification or amendment. You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you possess the legal authority to use this website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and to enter into this agreement. You agree to accept responsibility for all transactions and activities that occur under your account or password.


Use of "we", "our", "us" and "Travelaholics" are references to Travelaholics Ltd, except where these words are used on pages describing an operator's product(s) or service(s) in which case these words refer to the operator and not to Travelaholics Ltd. Use of "you", "your", or "yours" are references to you, the user of this website. Except where the context indicates otherwise, words denoting persons include companies, corporations and firms and vice versa; words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa; and words denoting one gender include all genders. Travelaholics.com is a trading name of Travelaholics Ltd. Travelaholics(TM) is a Trademark of Travelaholics Ltd.

Context and Interpretation

These Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with the Privacy Policy. Where conflicts between these documents exist, these Terms and Conditions shall apply. These Terms and Conditions supersede any previous agreement between you and us. Headings are provided for your convenience and shall not affect the construction of any provision. If any part of these Terms and Conditions are found to be unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable, that sentence, phrase, paragraph, clause or provision shall be deemed to be superseded by the enforceable provision that most closely matches its intent and shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other part of these Terms and Conditions.

Your Relationship with Us

These Terms of Use form the entire relationship between you and us. The relationship between you and us will be of independent contractors and no partnership, joint venture, agency relationship or employment exists between you and us as a result of these Terms of Use or your use of this website. You may not, and we may, subcontract, delegate or assign obligations, duties and rights arising out of these Terms of Use.

Amendments to these Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time without notice. The amended version of the Terms and Conditions will supersede any previous Terms and Conditions and will be posted on this page.

Ownership and Content

The content of this website, its pages, modules, formats and designs are the copyrighted property of Travelaholics Ltd. All rights are reserved. None of the contents of this website, nor its pages, modules, formats and designs may be reproduced in any way. Uploading, inputting or transferring any information, files, data, software, text or graphics to this website does not confer any rights to reproduce any of this website's content.

No Warranty Provided

This website is provided on an "AS IS" basis. No warranties, promises or representations either express or implied by us and/or any third party providers and no warranties or representations either express or implied by law are given as to the content of this website; the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained on this website; the website's functionality, standard, nature or suitability for any intended use; or the standard, nature, suitability for any intended use or compliance with any necessary laws of any product or service listed, included, described or mentioned on this website. All warranties are disclaimed. We do not warrant that our website, servers or emails sent from us, or those of any third party provider, are free from any virus, worms, or any other harmful or destructive components.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall we, our employees, directors, agents, representatives or affiliates be held liable in any way for any damage, loss, injury, or any incidental, consequential, punitive, indirect or special damages, including but not limited to loss of profits or loss of savings, whether based on contract, tort, or otherwise, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) the use of this website or its contents, (ii) the performance or non-performance of this website, (iii) any errors, omissions, misleading information or inaccuracies contained in this website, (iv) our or any third party's negligence, (v) any failure or delay, or (vi) any virus, worm, or harmful or destructive component, even if we have been advised of the possibility of damages. These limitations and exclusions of liability apply only to the extent permitted by law, and do not apply to personal injury or death. Without prejudice to the foregoing, we are entitled to any limitation or exclusion of liability permitted by law in any jurisdiction found to be applicable to the content of this website as if such permissible exclusion and/or limitation of liability were specifically set out herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if we are found to be liable for damages, the maximum liability for any event or series of events shall not exceed the value of the transaction under which the claim arises.

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

You shall not use or attempt to use this website for any purpose that is unlawful in any jurisdiction relevant to us or to you, or for any purpose that is prohibited by these terms and conditions. You shall not use this website in any way that may defame, threaten, harass, abuse, stalk or otherwise violate the legal rights of others.


You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless us and our employees, directors, agents, representatives or affiliates from and against any damages, losses, costs, claims, or action, including legal fees, awarded against or incurred by us or our employees, directors, agents, representatives or affiliates that result from your misuse of this website or your breach of these Terms and Use.

Communications Forums

This website contains communications forums including without limitation rating systems, chat rooms, discussion groups and bulletin boards. These communications forums are public and not private forums and are provided for your information only. The content of these forums is provided by other users; should not be considered moderated, acknowledged, viewed or screened by us; does not represent our opinions, attitudes, preferences or recommendations; and is not endorsed or approved by us. We reserve the right to alter, withdraw or remove any posting, chat, rating or communication for any reason and without notice, and this does not confer or imply our endorsement or approval of the posting, chat, rating or communication. You agree to only send, receive, post, publish, distribute or disseminate material that is relevant to the forum, and that is decent and proper, and that is not unlawful, obscene, offensive, defamatory or infringing or that violates the privacy or publicity rights of others. You agree not to upload or transfer any material, software or file that contains viruses, worms, corruptions or any other destructive components; that is protected by intellectual property rights unless you control or own those rights or possess the necessary consents to so upload or transfer; or the origin or source of which has been altered or falsified in any way. You shall not use these forums to advertise or offer to sell or buy any products or services; to advertise, promote or discuss any website that may be considered to compete with or that provides similar services to us; or to distribute, transfer, promote, forward or conduct contests, competitions, surveys or chain letters.

Exchange Rate and Currency Information

Any exchange rate or currency information, whether you specifically request it or not, is provided for your convenience only and is intended only as a guideline. Exchange rates are not updated daily, are not verified as accurate and are likely to differ significantly or insignificantly from actual exchange rates. Quotation of a particular currency is no warranty or implication that we, an operator, a supplier or any third party will accept that currency. All exchange rate and currency information takes no account of any fees, charges or commissions that you may incur when converting currency to, or making payment in, a foreign currency. We do not accept any liability or responsibility for any consequences of the use of any exchange rate or currency information provided on this website. It is strongly advised that you seek the advice of a qualified, professional financial advisor to verify the accuracy of any exchange rate and currency information provided on this website.

External Links

Links to external websites operated by parties other than us are provided for your reference only. We makes no warranties and accepts no liability in relation to any material contained or not contained on any external website. Links to any external website does not imply and shall not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference of any information, products or services referred to on the external websites, unless expressly indicated on this website.


We may terminate any agreement with you, the provision of any services, and any terms and conditions, at any time, for failure by you to comply with any terms and conditions, misuse of this website, or for any other reason. Termination shall not affect our right to any relief available under law. Any rights granted to you will revert to Travelaholics Ltd upon termination. You may terminate this agreement at any time. Upon termination, effected by either party, you are not entitled to any refund or relief.


Certain areas of this website assist you in making legitimate bookings or reservations of travel-related products and services or in making other transactions with business suppliers for yourself or another person for whom you are legally entitled to act. These areas are provided solely for this purpose and no offer to sell is implied, intended or made. You agree that all information that you provide is true and accurate, and that you shall not make any reservation that is false, fraudulent, speculative or that you do not intend to complete. You understand that it is imperative that you provide, at the time of booking, the full names of all the members of your party exactly as they appear on their passports and that failure to do so may result in the carrier or operator refusing the honour your booking(s) or reservation(s) and in a 100% cancellation fee being levied. Additional Booking Conditions may be imposed by Travelaholics Ltd when you reserve a product or service through this website, and these may include without limitation pricing policies and amendment and cancellation conditions that are specific to the product or service reserved. A link to these Booking Conditions will be provided on the pages describing the product or service in question. You agree to abide by the operator's or supplier's terms and conditions, requirements, rules and restrictions, and to to be responsible for all financial obligations imposed by the supplier with whom you elect to deal and to pay any amounts including without limitation fees, charges, taxes, duties, levies and assessments arising out of the reservation. Cancellation or amendment charges are payable if you cancel or amend a confirmed reservation. Prices and discounts on this website vary from time to time without notice. You are responsible for any reservations made under your account and you shall not permit any other person to use your account or any person under the age of 18 years to make a reservation on Travelaholics.com.

Passports, Visas, Insurance and Health Requirements

When you make travel arrangements through this website, it is your responsibility to comply with all passport, visa, insurance and health requirements and to carry all necessary documentation to gain entry to every country and region to which you have made travel arrangements. Please be aware that many countries require your passport to be valid for six months beyond the period of your stay; that some visas and passports may take considerable time to process; that some countries require evidence of certain vaccinations prior to granting entry; and that personal travel insurance is compulsory for many tours and expeditions and suppliers are likely to refuse carriage of persons who cannot provide evidence of suitable insurance cover. Some information about passport, visa, insurance and health requirements may be provided on your confirmation invoice. If information is not shown that relates to your citizenship then contact an embassy of the country of your citizenship. Please ensure that you are aware of all passport, visa, insurance and health requirements necessary to complete your travel arrangements. We shall not be responsible and will not be held liable for any loss, cost or damage incurred by you or by us if you fail to comply with any passport, visa, insurance or health requirements.


You shall be responsible for ensuring that your behaviour and the behaviour of all members of your party does not cause offence, harm, injury, threat, harassment or danger to others and does not cause damage to property, belongings or others. If your behaviour or that of any member of your party does not meet these standards then we or any operator or supplier has the right to terminate any arrangements made with you, and our responsibility to you will cease immediately. There shall be no refunds, compensation payments or reimbursement to you of expenses incurred and you shall be liable to reimburse us for any costs or damages incurred as a result of your behaviour.


If you have a complaint about this website, you should contact us. If you have a complaint about, or problem with, a product or service reserved through this website, you should contact the supplier or operator immediately and give them an opportunity to rectify the problem. If it is not possible to contact the supplier or operator or if you are unsatisfied with the solution provided, then you should contact us immediately and give us the opportunity to resolve the problem. If the complaint remains unresolved then you must write to us within 28 days of the completion of the relevant reservation, product or service, providing all necessary information including reservation numbers. Failure to follow this course of action will impede our ability to resolve the problem and consequently any right to compensation you may have will be nullified.

Governing Jurisdiction

This agreement and its performance shall be governed by the laws of England. By using this website you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all disputes arising out of or related to the use of this website. Use of this website is unauthorised in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions. We make no representation that the materials on this website are available or appropriate for use in any location outside of the mainland United Kingdom. Those who access this website do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all local laws.

Statutory Rights

These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights available under English Law.

Version Dated: 16 Jul 2024