Privacy Policy


By using this site you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in the following Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions. Where conflicts exist between this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions, then the Terms and Conditions shall apply. This Privacy Policy supersedes any Privacy Policy previously posted to this site.

Data Controller Registered with the Information Commissioner (United Kingdom)

Travelaholics Ltd is a Data Controller registered with the Information Commissioner (United Kingdom).

General Principles

The privacy of your personal information is very important to us. We have created this Privacy Policy to help you understand how we use any personal information that you send to us. We do not sell or otherwise distribute mailing lists of clients' personal details, or their email addresses.

What Personal Data do We Collect?

We collect personal information such as name, address, telephone number and email address from members of this and related websites. We collect personal details when you submit forms on our website. We may also ask you to provide information to help customise your experience on our site, such as preferred currency and country of origin. We log domain names and IP addresses for our internal site traffic statistics. The other personal details that we collect will be mentioned in dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy.


Cookies are small text files that are saved to your hard drive by your browser. Many websites use cookies. We uses a cookie to identify you from the many other users who may be using our site and to help customise your experience on our website. Our cookie contains a session identifier, and no other websites can access this cookie. The cookie does not contain any personal information. Your internet browser may allow you to set its options to warn you when a cookie is being accessed, or to prevent cookies from being accepted. If you prevent your browser from accepting a cookie, many features of this site will not work. That is because some of the features that we have built into our site are dependent upon cookies to provide the necessary functionality. On some pages we have used services provided by other websites, such as advertisements. These websites may also use a cookie, and these cookies will only be accessible by them.


"You are responsible for maintaining the security and secrecy of your password and account details. We advise you not to send any confidential personal information to us by email. "

Communications Forums and Reviews

Information and opinions that you provide to review and rating systems, chat rooms, bulletin boards and other communication forums will be made public! These forums are, by their very nature, public communication areas, and their contents will be freely visible to any visitor to our site. We strongly advise that you do not provide any information on these forums that may be used to contact you.

Sharing Information

We will release your personal information to our partners when the release is required to complete a task that you have requested. Our partners are third parties who help us to complete an action or task that you have requested from us or our website. By way of example, and not as a limitation, if you book a product or service through us, it will be necessary to pass on some of your personal details to the tour or accommodation operator so that the booking can be completed. We may transfer your personal information worldwide as necessary. We will also make transfers of your personal details in accordance with other clauses of this Privacy Policy. On occasion we may release personal information in an aggregate form to suppliers or customers. In these cases, your personal information will not be identifiable. We do not sell or otherwise distribute mailing lists of personal details to other organisations.

External Data Providers and Web Services

We access and displays personal data supplied by external organisations and web services. This includes, without limitation, reviews and authentication systems. We use this data in accordance with the privacy requirements supplied to us by these organisations. If you wish to change this data, please contact us or the organisation to which you supplied the data.

Disclosure for Legal Reasons

We will disclose personal information when required to do so by law; or when requested to do so by law enforcement authorities, government authorities, or the courts; or when, in good faith belief, disclosure is necessary or advisable to protect the rights and our property or staff, to bring action (including legal) against persons who are or may be interfering, intentionally or otherwise, with our rights or property, or to prevent harm being caused to any person, including the data subject.

When We Will Contact You

We will contact you when we find that it is necessary to do so to complete an action that you have requested from us or our website (such as making a booking, or requesting information). This includes, without limitation, post-trip follow-up and feedback. We may contact you by mail, email, telephone or any other method that we may find suitable. Additionally, from time-to-time, we may send you a newsletter or other mailing or information in which we think you may be interested if you have opted in to these mailings.

Opt-Out Policy

You have the choice to opt-in to receiving mailings and newsletters from us. You may login in and change your preferences to stop receiving mailings from us. Also you may click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom the newsletter to change your preferences including opting-out. However, we will still send you correspondence that is necessary for us to complete an action (such as a booking) that you have requested from us, even if you have opted-out from receiving mailings and newsletters.

Updating Personal Information

We may review and update your personal information at any time to ensue that your personal information is correct and current.

Access to Personal Information

You can gain access to your personal information by contacting us.

Deleting to Personal Information

You may request deletion of your personal information by contacting us.

Location of Information

Your personal information may be stored, without limitation, on computer systems, servers and data media that are owned, leased, hired or operated, exclusively or otherwise, by us. These systems may be located anywhere in the world.

External Links

When you click on a link that leads you to an external website, you are visiting a website for which we hold no responsibility. Such external websites may have a Privacy Policy that differs from ours, and our Privacy Policy will not apply.

Correspondence with Other Organisations

This privacy policy does not apply to your correspondence with operators and other organisations made by you using email addresses or contact information supplied on or through your use of this website.

Amendment of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be amended at any time without notice. The amended version of the Privacy Policy will supersede any previous Privacy Policy and will be posted on this page.

Concerns Regarding this Privacy Policy

If you have any concerns about this Privacy Policy, or privacy and security in general; if there are any issues that you think we should be aware of; or you believe we have not adhered to this Privacy Policy in any way, then please do not hesitate to contact us using the information on the Contact Us page from the menu. Thank you.

Version Dated: 16 Jul 2024